Well, not all. I have a buddy with a long pinkie nail and a high embarrassment threshold, so I called up and asked. Cookie banner We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. By choosing I Accept , you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. The Straight Dope homepage.
Filed under: Drugs. Why do some people have that one extra-long fingernail on the pinkie finger? By Cecil Adams Apr 28, You may have got surprised seeing a guy with a long pinky nail. These guys are often criticised for these nails. Different opinion, mostly negative comments, are made on this matter. Maybe you are also one of them who want to find out the weird facts behind a pinky long nail.
If so, read on to know the real facts. We all know what a pinky nail is. It has become a buzzword because there are some people who carry a long nail only on the pinky fingers. This aroused the interest in others and they are wondering why some people grow this one nail so long. They keep this nail long to stand out from the crowd or might be because they have a secret wish to grow long nail, or maybe just to open a coke can. So, there is no inner meaning but there are some facts that inspire them to keep it long.
Most of the people show some common excuses when they are asked about the purpose of the long pinky nails. Sometimes they made up an answer to get rid of further questioning and some guys are really bold to tell the truth. Surprisingly, most of the reasons are gross such as to poke the nose easily, to heal itchiness etc. And, some people keep these nails out of a hobby and some of them just love to grow them long for no reason.
Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options That was just one 15 year old, though, so who knows why others do it? Bang Posted April 30, It used to be a single long pinky nail was used as a cocaine spoon.
I have no idea what it means now. Sarge Posted April 30, Snorting coke. Only thing I know of at least. Just ask Tyron Biggums. Destino Posted April 30, It's for snorting coke. Zguy28 Posted April 30, Maybe we should ask the Chief? JMS Posted April 30, Hog Fever Posted April 30, Of course some of them did coke too but Thanos Posted April 30, I'm gonna ask him :laugh:.
Xameil Posted April 30, As far as I know SkinsOrlando Posted April 30, Whatever you do blightly don't smell it, who knows what its for.
Dan T. Archived This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.