These medications include methadone and buprenorphine Suboxone, Zubsolv, Subutex. This page does not provide medical advice. Don't Wait. Get Help Now Medically reviewed by Isaac Alexis, M. Other potential signs of an oxycodone overdose include: constricted or pinpoint pupils bluish tint in the fingernails or lips stomach spasms extreme drowsiness dangerously low blood pressure and breathing rate loss of consciousness or coma When someone abuses oxycodone by insufflation over a long period of time, they may cause permanent damage to their nasal passageway, including inflammation, infection and potential changes to the internal structures of the nose.
Other possible dangers of snorting oxycodone include: respiratory infections seizures paranoia cardiac arrest frequent nose bleeds and infection damage to the nasal membrane Another potential danger of snorting oxycodone is that they were designed to be taken orally, not nasally.
Why Snort Oxycodone? Side Effects Of Snorting Oxycodone When oxycodone is snorted, side effects of the drug can include sudden, a dangerous drop in blood pressure, seizures, slowed breathing, cardiac arrest, and potential death. Some additional effects of oxycodone may include: severe headache dry mouth stomach pain constipation, nausea, and vomiting trouble breathing through the nose shaking and tremors slurred speech irritability and mood swings tightness in the chest damage to the nasal septum cartilage that separates the nostrils damage to the soft palate roof of the mouth nasal infections erosion and inflammation of nasal passages Long-Term Effects Of Oxycodone After long-term misuse of oxycodone, individuals can experience a dangerously decreased level of testosterone.
Long-term opioid use may lead to: abnormal pain sensitivity amenorrhea irregular menstruation increased risk of heart attack and heart infection galactorrhea excessive or inappropriate production of milk increased risk of overdose reduced energy and drive reduced fertility reduced libido testosterone depletion Chronic use of oxycodone will also lead to tolerance and dependence and when someone suddenly stops using they will be subject to intense withdrawal symptoms.
Snorting Oxycodone And Addiction Snorting oxycodone increases the risk of addiction to the drug because of the more intense effects and rewarding sensation that reinforces continued use. Some signs that someone may be addicted to oxycodone can include: Continuing to use oxycodone despite potential physical or psychological harm.
Giving up activities that were once important to them, in order to use oxycodone. Using oxycodone in hazardous situations. Needed larger amounts of the drug to achieve the same effects. Suffering from withdrawal symptoms in the absence of oxycodone.
Oxycodone Abuse Many prescription opioid painkillers such as Percocet and OxyContin now contain varying levels of oxycodone. Is it possible to snort hydrocodone, an opiate painkiller prescribed in pill form?
It absolutely is. Unfortunately, snorting painkillers of any kind can indicate a drug addiction or serious drug abuse problem, which can create a number of challenges for the user, including:. Any method of ingesting addictive substances is problematic because it introduces a high level of a toxic substance to the body. Specific to snorting, there are a number of issues that a person may face, including:. Snorting a pill is a clear sign of drug abuse, and when drug abuse is a chronic problem, addiction can become the real issue.
If you believe that your loved one is dependent upon hydrocodone, with or without a prescription, then treatment is absolutely necessary. Chronic Percocet use can also do some serious damage to your insides. When snorted, it can cause damage to the nasal passages and the nose like bacterial or sinus infections or a deviated septum. Your liver, lungs, and heart are also at risk with chronic use and can even lead to potentially fatal consequences. The most likely danger of snorting Percocet is the risk for addiction.
As time passes, it makes it that much harder to stop using on your own because your body will have developed a physical dependency on the drug. With addiction also comes the risk of an overdose. As your body needs you to keep taking more and more just to feel normal, your likelihood of an overdose continues to rise. Percocet puts a serious strain on your central nervous system that can result in heart failure or respiratory arrest and ultimately death.
Anytime a person is snorting Percocet, even if it is prescribed to them for pain relief, they are abusing it. The high that comes along with elevated amounts of dopamine is what leads a person to addiction. Many people become addicted to the feeling that Percocet creates for them long before they are physically addicted to it, though that will likely follow if the abuse continues.
What initially began as an adjustment for tolerance can quickly turn into an addiction. The likelihood of developing an addiction to Oxycodone is significantly higher when a user administers the drug in ways other than prescribed.
You start to enjoy the drip from snorting your pills, it becomes part of the enjoyment in your high. Snorting Oxycodone not only produces an amplified high and higher rates of addiction, but also increases the risk of negative side effects and overdose.
Make a Call Snorting Oxycodone is significantly more dangerous than taking the drug orally, and the effects can even be fatal. Snorting any drug is thought to increase the risk of contracting Hepatitis C due to damage to the blood vessels inside the nose and sharing snorting paraphernalia like dollar bills and straws. The main consequences of snorting Oxycodone is damage to the nose, throat, and respiratory system.
The effects of these health risks range from mild to life-threatening, and can include:. Because Oxycodone is a central nervous system CNS depressant, the risk for overdose is significantly higher when the drug is crushed and snorted due to the profound respiratory depression that can occur.
Additionally, many people will also abuse alcohol and other drugs to amplify or mitigate the effects of snorting oxycodone. Mixing oxycodone with CNS depressants significantly raises the risk of overdose as it can cause increased confusion and respiratory failure. Galloway, NJ. View Center. Edwards, CO. With proper medical treatment, it is possible to recover from an overdose.
However, if left untreated, it can cause irreversible damage to the brain and possibly even death. Oxycodone use, regardless of the method of administration, is a very dangerous and potentially deadly habit.
If you or someone that you know is snorting Oxycodone, contact a treatment provider today. People who snort drugs put themselves at a greater risk of drug dependence, overdose, and even death. The sooner you seek treatment, the greater the chances for a successful long-term recovery.
She has always had a passion for literature and the written word.