How does mildred react after she wakes

He tells Mildred about burning the old woman and asks her if she would mind if he gave up his job for a while. The argument ends when they see Captain Beatty coming up the front walk. This reveals that Montag lacks awareness of his true motivations and that some unconscious force is overpowering his conscious, rational self.

Nonetheless, after stealing the book Montag experiences an intense, disorienting fear. He tries to draw some emotional support from his wife, seeking desperately to remember where they first met. This bit of information takes on a symbolic significance for him as he realizes that he does not truly feel connected to her.

He is moved to tears only when he realizes he would not cry if Mildred overdosed again and died—the true tragedy in his life is the lack of any real feeling. Montag blames the TV walls and various other bits of technological distraction for separating Mildred from him and killing or at least distorting her brain. Mildred spends all of her time within her three TV walls and pushes Montag to get her a fourth which, presumably, would box her in completely.

Her life of watching television has destroyed her attention span, and now she can hardly even comprehend what is going on in the programs she watches. Mildred is so disconnected from reality that she forgets to tell Montag that Clarisse was killed and her family moved away; she does not even consider the possibility that this news might upset Montag in any way.

He imagines it lying outside his window in wait for him. In Fahrenheit , Clarisse dies, but Bradbury does not describe this event in the text. He kills Beatty in order to save himself, but more importantly, to save Faber from persecution.

Mildred felt as if she had lost her family. That she values these things so highly reveals much about her character: she is superficial and shallow and only interested in the world of entertainment. The alternative is a little more interesting: Mildred is deeply unhappy. Montag is so afraid of making a mistake with Beatty that he cannot move his feet. Faber tells him not to be afraid of mistakes, as they sharpen the mind. How does Faber see Montag?

How did Montag stop the noise of the TV and the women? He cut the power to the TV. What did Mrs. Montag decides to risk giving Beatty a substitute book, and Faber agrees to see his printer friend. Why did Captain Beatty believe books should be destroyed? Because he felt they were useless. They are unpleasant to some people because it causes stress and worriment.

He has 20 books hidden. Montag goes outside and listens to the laughter and the voices coming from the brightly lit McClellan house. Montag goes inside again and considers all that has happened to him that night. He feels terribly disoriented as he takes a sleep lozenge and dozes off. The next day, Mildred remembers nothing about her attempted suicide and denies it when Montag tries to tell her about it.

Uninterested in her shallow entertainments, Montag leaves for work and finds Clarisse outside walking in the rain, catching raindrops in her mouth—she compares the taste to wine.

She rubs a dandelion under her chin and claims that if the pollen rubs off on her, it means she is in love. She asks him why he chose to be a fireman and says he is unlike the others she has met, who will not talk to her or listen to what she says to them.

After she is gone, he tilts his head back and catches the rain in his mouth for a few moments. Clarisse seems older to Montag than she really is, even older than his wife, who is fourteen years her senior. Mildred seems childish by comparison, perhaps because very little goes through her mind that has not been put there by the vapid television and radio media. Bradbury frequently uses paradoxical phrases, describing a character or thing as dead and alive or there and not there at once.

The only natural force that people maintain any interest in is fire. However, even fire, once one of the most basic of necessities of human life, has lost its utility and is used primarily for entertainment.


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