How does oscillatory ventilation work

Indeed, applying a stable mP aw produces minimal variations in pressures and ventilation volumes, keeping the lung volume above functional residual capacity largely constant. Therefore, HFOV is an interesting ventilatory modality, which has the potential to minimize ventilator-induced lung injury, at least in theory. HFOV has become an established lung-protective modality in neonatal and paediatric intensive care, although further studies to support an improvement of mortality and morbidity could be conducted.

In adults recent publications do not support the routine use of HFOV in patients with moderate-severe ARDS as there was no signal for benefit and even a suggestion of harm from one trial. While these findings do not necessarily apply to patients with severe hypoxaemia failing conventional ventilation, they do increase uncertainty about the role of HFOV even in these patients. In carefully selected patients who respond to lung recruitment, HFOV may still have a role in severe ARDS, but only after conventional ventilation settings have been optimized and after prone positioning has been considered.

Unconventional methods of ventilator support. In: Tobin MJ ed. Principles and Practice of Mechanical Ventilation , pp. Find this resource:. Effect of a protective-ventilation strategy on mortality in the acute respiratory distress. New England Journal of Medicine , , — Ventilator-induced lung injury and recommendations for mechanical ventilation of patients with p.

Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine , 22 3 , — High frequency low tidal volume positive pressure ventilation. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica , 80 Vi , 21—2. British Journal of Anaesthesia , 44 , Bryan A and Slutsky A.

Long volume during high frequency oscillation. American Review of Respiratory Disease , 5 , — Bryan AC. How it really happened the oscillations of HFO.

Parad RB. Lancet , , —5. Alveolar deadspace during high frequency positive pressure ventilation. British Journal of Anaesthesia , 55 , Ventilation with small tidal volumes. New England Journal of Medicine , 9 , — High frequency oscillation in patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS : systematic review and meta-analysis.

British Medical Journal , , c Cochrane review: elective high frequency oscillatory ventilation versus conventional ventilation for acute pulmonary dysfunction in preterm infants.

High-frequency oscillatory ventilation for adult respiratory distress syndrome—a pilot study. Critical Care Medicine , 25 6 , — High-frequency oscillatory ventilation in adults: the Toronto experience.

Chest , 2 , — High-frequency oscillatory ventilation for acute respiratory distress syndrome in adults: a randomized, controlled trial. Tidal volume delivery during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in adults with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Critical Care Medicine , 35 6 , —9. A protocol for high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in adults: results from a roundtable discussion. Critical Care Medicine , 35 7 , — High-frequency oscillation for acute respiratory distress syndrome.

High-frequency oscillation in early acute respiratory distress syndrome. Therefore, the level of P mean is closely related to lung volume and oxygenation. After each P mean increment, a waiting period of a few minutes is allowed to obtain a new stable level of oxygenation. P mean is further increased up to the point that no improvement in oxygenation occurs, using oxygen saturation as a crude surrogate for lung recruitment. This high-lung-volume strategy ensures optimal lung volume recruitment and avoids hyperinflation with the aid of close monitoring of clinical and oxygenation parameters.

There is a close relation between pressure amplitude and tidal volume. Therefore, the efficiency of oscillation is ensured by the visualization of chest vibrations. Changes in pressure amplitude are used to control ventilation and thus Paco 2.

Increasing pressure amplitude and, thus, tidal volume improves carbon dioxide elimination. To avoid hypocapnia, the level of peak-to-peak pressure may be adjusted clinically to the point that it just produces visible chest vibrations and to that which produces the desired Paco 2 or transcutaneous carbon dioxide Tcco 2 values.

The inspiratory:expiratory time ratio is generally fixed to However, some oscillators allow manipulation of this ratio in the range of to It is thought that reducing this ratio reduces gas trapping. However, gas trapping does not seem to be a significant problem during HFOV. Moreover, it seems that an inspiratory:expiratory ratio of 1 is associated with minimal difference between mean alveolar pressure and mean airway opening pressure.

HFOV is an efficient mode of ventilation for infants with a variety of lung conditions. HFOV maintains lung volumes above functional residual capacity, avoiding high peak inspiratory pressure. When compared with CMV, HFOV reduces the conversion of surfactant into small aggregate forms, at least in an experimental model of acute lung injury.

HFOV may reduce ventilator-induced lung injury by reducing the risk of gross air leak and volume overdistension of terminal airways. Meta-analyses of elective HFOV with high-volume strategy in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome have shown benefits in terms of decreased incidence of chronic lung disease, supplemental oxygen at discharge, and mortality, without an increase in the rate of intraventricular hemorrhage.

The interaction between HFOV and cardiovascular function is largely determined by the level of P mean and respiratory compliance but is independent of frequency rates. If a high P mean is used, lung distension might occur, leading to impaired venous return, cardiac function, and reduced cerebral perfusion. The effects of P mean on cerebral circulation are not significantly different in HFOV and CMV, but the possibility for lung overdistension may contribute to the development of ischemic—hemorrhagic injury in the brain of a premature neonate.

In addition, HFOV is effective in eliminating carbon dioxide, and avoiding hypocapnia is essential to prevent neonatal brain damage. Since that time, many clinical trials have been performed and extensively reviewed in the Cochrane database. Positive trials are characterized by a recruitment strategy in the HFOV group; the use of slow rates, large tidal volume, and low positive end-expiratory pressure in the CMV group; or both.

Negative trials are characterized by the absence of recruitment strategy in the HFOV group, a delayed randomization using HFOV as a rescue mode of therapy, or both. Two recently published multicenter trials of early HFOV intervention showed no differences in adverse outcome, particularly in intraventricular hemorrhage and periventricular leukomalacia.

HFOV trial enrolling infants weighing less than 1, g showed improved pulmonary outcome in the HFOV group with the use of a high-volume strategy and vigorous control of carbon dioxide levels, avoiding hypercapnia. Clinical experience with HFOV for the treatment of acute hypoxic respiratory failure in term and near-term infants now extends over 20 yr. HFOV is used in pulmonary interstitial emphysema, persistent pulmonary hypertension, meconium aspiration syndrome, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, and many cases in which CMV has failed to improve oxygenation and ventilation.

Mechanical ventilation of preterm newborn infants and critically ill neonates induces major challenges in the operating room.

When caring for these patients, clinicians can choose between different strategies to produce efficient ventilation despite the limitations of technology. An old and traditional approach is to ventilate manually with a bag.

A recent approach is to fit the ventilator settings to a clinical assessment during volume-controlled or pressure-controlled ventilation to achieve adequate oxygenation and carbon dioxide elimination. In patients with altered respiratory compliance as seen in congenital diaphragmatic hernia and abdominal wall defects, standard anesthesia ventilators or intensive care unit ventilators are not very convenient to provide adequate gas exchange and oxygenation without high Fio 2 and high peak inflating pressures.

Reducing the factors responsible for the development of lung injury or retrolental fibroplasia may be beneficial for children in growth. In this way, anesthesiologists are involved in minimizing the risks related to prematurity. Continuity in perioperative ventilatory management of these infants is another potential advantage of this technique.

Surgeons may appreciate a relatively stable operative field, which may facilitate repair. In addition, HFOV has been used for thoracic and abdominal procedures in term and preterm infants table 1. Miguet et al. No differences in ventilatory settings, blood gas values, or oxygenation index values before, during, and immediately after surgery were recorded. The authors suggest that no aggressive ventilatory management high inspiratory peak pressure or Fio 2 was required during surgical repair, when there was deterioration in respiratory mechanics.

The technique may have a protective ventilatory strategy; however, studies were not designed to compare the effectiveness of HFOV with that of CMV. This same team reported the elective perioperative use of HFVO in congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation management. Other surgical teams have reported the same successful application of HFOV in congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation.

HFOV was also used during closure of abdominal wall defects. HFOV provides effective ventilation and oxygenation in infants with increased intraabdominal pressure. Tobias and Burd 3 reported the intraoperative use of HFOV in three neonates during surgical ligation of a patent ductus arteriosus, closure of a gastroschisis, and an exploratory laparotomy for necrotizing enterocolitis.

In a retrospective study, Miguet et al. The authors reported the same advantages as those emphasized by Tobias and Burd. The A is an extremely efficient ventilator secondary to an active expiratory phase, but it is not capable of delivering sigh breaths for alveolar recruitment. Total I. A rough representation of the volume of gas generated by each high frequency wave. Range 1. Maximum true volume of gas generated by the piston is cc.

Thus we primarily adjust the power amplitude to change tidal volume in order to manipulate ventilation. The lower frequency leads to a longer I. Suctioning should be performed using just the ventilator breaths alone an inline suctioning adapter would be best. If lung is not hyper-inflated flattened diaphragm or is below optimal lung volume around ribs then increase MAP by cm every min until adequate oxygenation is achieved or lung starts to become over-inflated e.

FiO 2 0.


  • 1000 / 1000