How long regular mail takes

Standard mail postage rates apply to mail up to 3. Mail heavier than 3. Nonprofit Standard Mail postage is lower than regular prices up to 70 percent less than first-class mail , but not everyone can qualify.

Nonprofit is a favored postage rate within Standard Mail, and is processed in the same way. Organizations wishing to mail at nonprofit Standard Mail prices first must be authorized by the Postal Service as eligible. This form is also available from your postmaster or your business mail entry unit. Let Castle Press handle all of your mailing needs!

Orange County address, main plant: N. Gilbert Street, Anaheim, CA Shopping Cart Login Upload Files. First Class or Standard Mail?

A virtual mailbox is the same as your physical mailbox, just more accessible and actually better for the environment. From here, you can decide whether you want to scan, discard, shred, or have the physical letter mailed to you. In addition to this, you have the power to look at the mail that arrived years ago!

Instead of having binders full of mailed paper that you might need some time in the distant future, you can save everything in one easy-to-reach, paper-free application. Not only does this save you space in your home for the more important things in life, but it is also saving the planet. Register here , and access all your mail virtually!

Why pickup your mail in person, when you can get it on your phone? Try it free. Cancel anytime! Contact us. Rated 4. Showing our 5 star reviews.

USPS disabled your account? Read more below. You have a package ready to ship? Here is where you can drop it off, to ensure the USPS ships it. A better way to manage mail. The Postal Service has been using this system since As the Postal Service explains on one of its quarterly performance reports :. EXFC measures the transit time for single-piece rate First- Class cards, letters, and flat envelopes and compares this actual service against service standards. The EXFC system is conducted by an external independent third-party — IBM — and it measures the end-to-end length of time it takes for mail to be delivered.

The participants, known as droppers and reporters, are supposed to be kept confidential, and the whole process is supposed to be conducted without managers and workers knowing which pieces are being tested. The test mail is statistically analyzed based on sample volume, mail characteristics, and the location where the mail was entered and delivered.

For previous quarters, just change the dates in the URL. The results typically show that the Postal Service is meeting its targets for First Class mail, with about 95 percent being delivered within the service standard for overnight and 2-day mail and about 85 percent for day mail. It should be noted that this high level of performance may be declining as a result of the new service standards that were introduced at the beginning of this year, which allowed the Postal Service to make significant changes in how mail is processed.

The EXFC scores show after 12 weeks that mail is being delayed. Under the proposed system, the Postal Service would do the measuring itself, rather than using an external third-party, and it would take advantage of the fact that much of the mail is now barcoded.

Letter carriers would scan barcoded mailpieces from randomly selected collection points collection boxes and office building chutes. Instead of having a reporter mark down when a piece of mail is received, the carrier would scan the barcode to mark the delivery time.

The OIG concluded that thanks to barcoding and hand-held scanners, the Postal Service could automate the service performance process, eliminate the need for costly manual recording and reporting, and do the work internally instead of paying a third-party.

There has been plenty of incentive to do so, since bonuses and pay increases are said to hinge on these scores.


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