While many Americans won't buy into it after all we like our crap served up on a silver platter - it has names like White Chicks, The Dukes of Hazard, and Hope Floats , Hindis eat it up.
Unfortunately, in Jack's opinion, the meeting had consisted of mostly ceremonial crap. All rights reserved.
Filters 0. Words form: crapped crapping craps. See word origin. Nonsense, falseness, insincerity, etc. The definition of crap is a slang and vulgar term for feces, nonsense or filth. An example of crap is a finding in the litter box.
An example of crap is garbage strewn all over the floor. Insolent talk or behavior. Crap is defined as a vulgar term for defecating. An example of crap is to use the bathroom.
Used to express anger or displeasure. An act of defecating. Words related to crap junk , bull , bullshit , drivel , nonsense , garbage , refuse , trash , bosh , bunk , claptrap , foolishness , guff , hokum , hooey , poppycock , rigmarole , twaddle , baloney , bunkum. Should Traffic Lights Be Abolished?
Dubner March 11, Freakonomics. Little Brother Cory Doctorow. Word Origin for crap C back formation from craps. Word Origin for crap C15 crappe chaff, from Middle Dutch, probably from crappen to break off. About this.
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