Mer : sooo Rox : yeah Mer: totally Rox: totally tubular Mer: so tubular its almost cylindrical Rox: hahaha Mer: gah i hate stalling Rox: hahaha me too. So you're stuck behind them almost walking backwards. I was stuck walking behind a slow walker. I could not pass her, people were blocking my way. I couldn't move forward, I was stalling.
A stalling is performed in the following sequence Watch you boss or equivalent asshole walk in for his daily shit may take a few days of surveillance work. To cause a motor or motor vehicle accidentally to stop running. To cause an aircraft to go into a stall. To live or be lodged in a stall. Used of an animal. To stick fast in mud or snow. To come to a standstill. To stop running as a result of mechanical failure. To lose forward flying speed, causing a stall. Used of an aircraft.
A ruse or tactic used to mislead or delay. To employ delaying tactics against. To employ delaying tactics. Any of various compartments, booths, separate sections, etc.
A booth, table, or counter, as at a market or fair, at which goods are sold. A pew or enclosed seat in the main part of a church or in the choir. A small, enclosed space, as a compartment in which one showers or a compartment enclosing a toilet in a public restroom.
Any of the spaces marked off, as in a garage, for parking individual automobiles. A protective sheath, as of rubber, for a finger or thumb; cot. The condition of being brought to a stop or standstill, as through some malfunction. A condition in which an improper angle of attack and a lack of airspeed combine to disrupt the airflow around an airfoil enough to result in a loss of lift which forces the aircraft to drop, possibly going out of control. To put, keep, or be kept in a stall.
To cause to stick fast or to be stuck fast, as in mud. To bring or be brought to a stop or standstill, esp. To stop or cause to stop through some malfunction.
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