Which inheritance is not supported by c

Java doesn't allow multiple inheritance to avoid the ambiguity caused by it. One of the example of such problem is the diamond problem that occurs in multiple inheritance. Nicesio Hanzsch Professional. How can we achieve multiple inheritance in Java?

Java does not support multiple inheritance using classes. Class C is inheriting class A and B. Henedina Ortiz Professional. What is the problem with multiple inheritance in Java? Java supports multiple inheritance through Interface.

Java does not supports multiple inheritance because it creates a diamond problem. If a class is inheriting from two or more classes then it is called multiple inheritance.

Ivane Verhaegh Professional. What is the problem with multiple inheritance? Multiple inheritance has been a sensitive issue for many years, with opponents pointing to its increased complexity and ambiguity in situations such as the "diamond problem ", where it may be ambiguous as to which parent class a particular feature is inherited from if more than one parent class implements said feature.

Marya Rottmann Explainer. What is hierarchical inheritance? Inheritance is the process of inheriting properties of objects of one class by objects of another class. When more than one classes are derived from a single base class, such inheritance is known as Hierarchical Inheritance , where features that are common in lower level are included in parent class. Marilenny Montoro Explainer. Why multiple inheritance is used in interface? As we have explained in the inheritance chapter, multiple inheritance is not supported in the case of class because of ambiguity.

However, it is supported in case of an interface because there is no ambiguity. It is because its implementation is provided by the implementation class. Lory Alcelay Pundit. Confused About the Answer?

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It provides a contract specifying how to create an Object, without caring about the specifics of how they do the things. An Interface is a reference type and it included only the signatures of methods, properties, events or indexers. In order to implement an interface member, the corresponding member of the implementing class should be public , non-static , and have the same name and signature as the interface member.

Click here to know more about C Interfaces. Improve this question. Jon Schneider Abdulsattar Mohammed Abdulsattar Mohammed 9, 12 12 gold badges 49 49 silver badges 66 66 bronze badges. Just like to point out that there are frameworks out there which allow MI-like behavior in C classes.

And of course you have the option of having stateless mixins using extensions methods - being stateless they are not very useful though. That interfaces have anything to do with inheritance is an illusion created by the language syntax. Inheritance is supposed to make you richer. Nothing like that for an interface, you don't inherit squat and it makes you significantly poorer. You inherited uncle Harry's gambling debt, you have more work to do to implement the interface. Add a comment.

Active Oldest Votes. The short answer is: because the language designers decided not to. For Java, you can read this article : The reasons for omitting multiple inheritance from the Java language mostly stem from the "simple, object oriented, and familiar" goal. Improve this answer. Razzie Razzie Nice comparison. Quite indicative of the thought-processes that underlie both platforms I think. Multiple inheritance of implementation is what is not allowed. I believe it's called the double diamond inheritance problem.

You get a lovely watercolor of someone dead on the street :- — Dan F. Is this the only problem? Modern design tends to favour composition over inheritance in all but the simplest cases. Multiple inheritance would never have counted as a simple case. With composition, you have precise control over what your class does when there are diamond problems such as this You'd simply need a priority list. All the classes form a heirachy and the method that is called is determined from there.

Or what ever you make up. Show 5 more comments. Reason: Java is very popular and easy to code, because of its simplicity. They avoided pointers They avoided multiple inheritance. Problem with multiple inheritance: Diamond problem. Example : Assume that class A is having a method fun. And both the classes B and C, overrides method fun.

Now assume that class D inherits both class B, and C. This is the ambiguity existing in diamond problem. David Thornley David Thornley Aditya Singh 9, 5 5 gold badges 31 31 silver badges 54 54 bronze badges.

Steve Steve 8, 1 1 gold badge 24 24 silver badges 37 37 bronze badges. Multiple Inheritance is hard to understand hard to debug for example, if you mix classes from multiple frameworks that have identically-named methods deep down, quite unexpected synergies can occur easy to mis-use not really that useful hard to implement, especially if you want it done correctly and efficiently Therefore, it can be considered a wise choice to not include Multiple Inheritance into the Java language. I disagree with all the above, having worked with the Common Lisp Object System.

Also, CLOS as i understand it, i have never really used it, only read about it is a meta-object-system, with a lot of flexibility and a roll-your-own attitude. Blindy Blindy Cata Lin Cata Lin. I take the statement that "Multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java" with a pinch of salt. Rig Veda Rig Veda 1 1 gold badge 9 9 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges. But you don't inherit from an interface, you implement it.

Interfaces aren't classes. Yes, but inheritance was never so narrowly defined, except in some prelim books. And I think we should look beyond the grammar of it. They both do the same thing,and interfaces were "invented" only for that reason.

Take the interface Closeable: one method, close. Suppose you want to extend that, to Openable: it has a method open which sets a boolean field isOpen to true.


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