Gnats are not picky and can also be attracted to your face and hair by the scent of your lotion, shampoo, or perfume; any pleasant smell will do. The good news is, gnats will not lay eggs in your hair as they only lay eggs in moist places during their breeding season. Therefore, your scalp and hair are not an attractive breeding ground to gnats but using unscented hair and skin-care products could help in repelling gnats.
Even though entomologists only consider non-biting gnats to be gnats, irritating, flying bugs around our heads will always be called gnats! And some species of gnats do bite humans. Female gnats will bite you as they need blood to produce eggs that will develop properly.
When they do bite you, they release an anticoagulant simultaneously, which makes the bite itch. You will know if a gnat has bitten you by tiny red, irritating, and itchy bumps which will appear on your skin. Some people can develop severe, harmful, allergic reactions to gnat bites. Have a look at this exciting video below of a gnat biting a man! Therefore, swarming is essential for the species to survive as gnats mate during swarming.
In addition, they are safer from predators when they are swarming. Gnats will often swarm around something they are attracted to, like sweet and fruity scents, but they will also swarm around people and pets as they are drawn to water and body heat.
We know that gnats are attracted to humans by scent and carbon dioxide, but how are they drawn into and around our homes?
What else attracts them? The female gnat is always on the lookout for a safe, cozy place to lay her eggs — all of them at a time! She will look for a home with ideal conditions to sustain the larvae once the eggs have hatched.
Any moist, damp place, preferably containing organic matter, like the soil of your potted plants with high moisture content, will provide the new larvae with sustenance.
All gnats eat fruit and vegetables, fresh flowers, and houseplants. Gnats are attracted to honey and vinegar, so place some of each into a glass bowl and use a lure to trap the gnats. They are also attracted by scented candles, potpourri, and fragrant oil burners.
Your yard and garden provide a wonderland for gnats! If you aren't sure that you can recognize gnats, remember they often resemble mosquitoes, although they're markedly smaller. The gnat universe consists of a large selection of species. Gnats don't gather together to annoy you, although it might seem that way sometimes. The whole process is related to courtship and breeding. Essentially, massive numbers of the males stay together in groups, hoping for females to arrive.
The males engage in lots of conspicuous behaviors in hopes of impressing females. They frequently "fall" abruptly from the swarm as a means of getting females to notice them. Tab will move on to the next part of the site rather than go through menu items.
If you've ever had the unfortunate experience of riding your bike through a cloud of gnats, you've probably wondered why they congregate like that — at least after you've picked the bugs out of your teeth. It turns out that gnats swarm because of the birds and bees.
That's right. Swarms of these tiny insects are beneficial for mating, according to Live Science. The swarms make it easier for the male and female gnats to find each other and mate, Gregory Courtney, an entomology professor at Iowa State University, told Live Science. Gnats will often congregate around objects or other visual markers that contrast the landscape, such as fence posts, Courtney said.
This helps the females more easily see the swarm. These chemicals also help individuals identify fellow members of their bands, so they can distinguish their pack's poopy trails from all of the others. Melissa writes for the wildly popular interesting fact website TodayIFoundOut. You can also check 'em out on YouTube here.
This post has been republished with permission from TodayIFoundOut. Image by Brandon under Creative Commons license. My scout master told us to hold our hands above our heads; he said it would fool the gnats and make them swarm above our faces.
So there we are, 20 cub scouts marching through the woods in paramilitary uniforms making the Nazi salute.